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A Mother’s Love

A Mother’s Love, a Reflection of Jesus

“As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you.” – Isaiah 66:13

Nurturers and Guides

Mothers hold a special place in our lives and hearts. They are the women who carried us in their wombs, nurtured us, and guided us through life’s ups and downs. A mother’s love is unconditional, sacrificial, and unwavering. It is also a reflection of the love that Jesus has for each one of us.

Jesus: Love and Compassion Incarnate

When we look at the life of Jesus, we see countless examples of his deep love and compassion for people. He healed the sick, forgave the sinners, and gave hope to the brokenhearted. Jesus loved his own, just as a mother embraces her child, providing comfort, support, and reassurance.

The Grieving Mother of Nain

In Luke’s Gospel, we find the story of Jesus’ encounter with a grieving mother in the town of Nain. As the funeral procession for her only son passed by, Jesus was moved with compassion. He approached the grieving mother and said, “Don’t cry.” He then touched the young man’s coffin, and he came back to life. Jesus gave the son back to his mother (Luke 7:11-15). Can you imagine her joy? Her gratitude? Jesus showed us his power over death, and his love for this grieving mother.

Jesus understands the pain and sorrow we experience in life. He sees our tears, knows our deepest longings, and he offers his comforting presence. Just as a mother wraps her arms around her child, Jesus invites us to rest in his embrace, to find solace and strength in his love.

Gratitude for Mothers and Jesus

Let’s consider how mothers reflect the love of Jesus. I am grateful for my mother’s unwavering support and her nurturing heart. May we also reflect on and give thanks for the unending love that Jesus has for us, his children.

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