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Finding Peace in the Mystery

Finding Peace in the Mystery

I’ve been thinking a lot about mystery lately. You know those moments when you’re confronted with the vast unknown of faith? When the questions feel bigger than the answers? Yeah, me too. In our hyper-rational, Google-everything world, we’ve lost...
Finding Living Water in Your Spiritual Desert

Finding Living Water in Your Spiritual Desert

Have you ever felt like your faith journey has led you into a barren wilderness? You’re not alone. Even Jesus experienced time in the desert. It’s fascinating that immediately after His baptism – a moment of divine affirmation – Jesus was led into the...
Christian Rhythms For Depending On God

Christian Rhythms For Depending On God

In our busy lives, it’s easy to forget the importance of relying on God. Reclaim your spiritual joy by creating daily rhythms of connecting with God. As we’ve been going through the Meet God podcast series, I’ve been inspired by the lives of Moses and David....
When God Asks the Impossible

When God Asks the Impossible

Surrender might sound like defeat, but in God’s economy, it’s the key to victory. When we surrender our plans, fears, and desires to the Lord, we open ourselves to His perfect will. Consider Noah’s incredible journey of faith. God asked him to build...
Made in God’s Image

Made in God’s Image

One of the core Christian beliefs is that all humans are uniquely made in God’s image. This sets us apart from the rest of creation and gives deep value and purpose to our lives. Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that...