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Finding Peace in the Mystery

Finding Peace in the Mystery

Sometimes, our questions about faith feel big, vast, and a bit overwhelming. In our Google-everything world, we've become addicted to answers and explanations. But what if our obsession with knowing is actually holding us back from something beautiful?
Finding Living Water in Your Spiritual Desert

Finding Living Water in Your Spiritual Desert

Have you ever felt like your faith journey has led you into a barren wilderness? You're not alone. Even Jesus experienced time in the desert. Learn 4 ways to revive your relationship with God when your soul feels dry
When God Asks the Impossible

When God Asks the Impossible

Learn to embrace God's plan, even when it doesn't make sense. Surrender might sound like defeat, but in God's economy, it's the key to victory. When we surrender our plans, fears, and desires to the Lord, we open ourselves to His perfect will.
Made in God’s Image

Made in God’s Image

Understanding that we are made in God's image should transform how we view ourselves and others. When we get a hold of this truth, known as imago Dei, we can reflect God's glory in our daily lives.
Cultivating Friendship

Cultivating Friendship

Jesus' life offers powerful insights into building true friendships. His example gives us a practical example for how to cultivate meaningful connections that reflect His unconditional love and refresh our soul.
Celebrate God’s Faithfulness

Celebrate God’s Faithfulness

Discover three powerful lessons from Psalm 66 that will help you recognize God's might, pursue purity and forgiveness, and acknowledge His sovereignty. Learn how to refocus your heart on God's faithfulness and find joy in His abundant blessings.
Delight in the Lord

Delight in the Lord

God has generously gifted us with His beautiful creation, inviting us to experience His goodness and redemption. He sets joy before us daily. The Psalmist gives us a beautiful command to fully embrace these rich gifts: delight in the Lord.
The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

James closes his epistle with a call to prayer that is as relevant today as it was 2,000 years ago. See the four promises of how to connect with our all-sufficient God.
A Biblical Framework for Wise Words

A Biblical Framework for Wise Words

Words matter deeply to God. He chose to speak creation into being. Thousands of times in the Bible, God spoke to his people. God's Word is our guidepost through every season of life. Learn this Biblical framework for using our words wisely.
The Significance of Israel

The Significance of Israel

Israel is the place where God chose to send his son Jesus to save humankind from sin. See how the Holy Land shows us God's faithfulness, the majesty of His sovereignty, and His unending mercy.
Where He Walked: Jesus’ Final Weeks

Where He Walked: Jesus’ Final Weeks

Studying biblical geography is crucial for gaining a deeper understanding of the historical context, cultural nuances, and geographical settings of the events and narratives depicted in the Bible. Explore where Jesus walked and talked during his final weeks.
Seeing Jesus

Seeing Jesus

After his resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days on earth. The gospels record eleven specific appearances, but there may have been more. As believers, here are three lessons to learn from Jesus’ post-resurrection life.
Three Lessons From The Life Of Judas

Three Lessons From The Life Of Judas

Understanding the life of Judas Iscariot, Jesus's infamous betrayer, should be both convicting and hopeful as we prepare our hearts for Easter. His actions serve as a solemn warning about the consequences of following the ways of the world, but they also highlight Jesus' incredible grace.
Facing Temptation

Facing Temptation

Throughout Scripture, the primary way Satan opposes God is through his continual temptation of God’s people. Explore the ways that Satan tempted Jesus (and us!) and learn how we are called to respond.
Jesus’s Baptism

Jesus’s Baptism

Jesus began his public ministry with his baptism. His example of humble submission can inspire us as we prayerfully seek to glorify God.
The Forerunner

The Forerunner

John, the Baptist’s ministry only lasted two years but left an enduring example of how we can live with boldness and humility as we focus on having an eternal impact.
The Early Years

The Early Years

Three decades had passed from Jesus' birth in Bethlehem to the initiation of his ministry at his baptism in the Jordan River. See how Jesus’ childhood can help us to trust him with our daily needs.
Weary and Burdened

Weary and Burdened

God uses ordinary people like you and me. During his time on earth, Jesus not only spent considerable time with the Am ha'aretz, they were instrumental in his ministry!
Failing Successfully

Failing Successfully

When Peter first met Jesus, Jesus told him that his name would be changed from Simon to Peter, which means "rock." But Peter's life with Jesus was not always steady and strong. God can redeem our moments of doubt and give us purpose despite our failures.
Power Struggle

Power Struggle

How should we respond when our rights have been violated, we are locked in a power struggle, or we see injustice in the world? See how Jesus responded to a power struggle - and the refreshing truth about how we can find freedom in Christ.
Water Into Wine

Water Into Wine

The timeline of Jesus' life and ministry can give us fresh insights when we choose to pay attention. See how Jesus' first miracle can teach us the importance of celebrating Jesus (and what that might practically include).