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The Significance of Israel

The Significance of Israel

Israel is the place where God chose to send his son Jesus to save humankind from sin. Aside from some brief stays in Samaria and Egypt, nearly everything that happened to Jesus while on earth happened in this holy place. This week, let us ponder the significance of...
Where He Walked: Jesus’ Final Weeks

Where He Walked: Jesus’ Final Weeks

Studying biblical geography is crucial for gaining a deeper understanding of the historical context, cultural nuances, and geographical settings of the events and narratives depicted in the Bible. But many Christians overlook these details because they feel confusing...
Seeing Jesus

Seeing Jesus

After his resurrection, Jesus spent 40 days on earth. The gospels record eleven specific appearances, but there may have been more. First, he is at the tomb with a handful of women, then on a road with two men. Next, we find him at the Sea of Galilee with seven...
Three Lessons From The Life Of Judas

Three Lessons From The Life Of Judas

Understanding the life of Judas Iscariot, Jesus’s infamous betrayer, should be both convicting and hopeful as we prepare our hearts for Easter. His actions serve as a solemn warning about the consequences of following the ways of the world, but they also...
Facing Temptation

Facing Temptation

Before Jesus could declare his message to the world, “Repent for the kingdom of God is at hand” (Matt. 4:17), he first had to declare it to his chief adversary on earth, Satan. After his baptism, Jesus spent 40 days and nights fasting in the desert. See how we can...
Jesus’s Baptism

Jesus’s Baptism

As a believer, God has called you to play a role in His Kingdom. Sometimes, that means sharing the gospel with people in your life or using your unique gifts and talents to serve Him. Jesus began his public ministry with his baptism. His example of humble submission...