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Jesus’s Baptism

Middle Eastern Dinner

As a believer, God has called you to play a role in His Kingdom. Sometimes, that means sharing the gospel with people in your life or using your unique gifts and talents to serve Him.

Jesus began his public ministry with his baptism. His example of humble submission can inspire us as we prayerfully seek to glorify God.

“At that moment heaven was opened…” (Matthew 3:17, NIV)

The Role of Humility in Jesus’ Baptism

Jesus serves his Father in heaven and humankind on earth. He would bring justice to the nations, as foretold by Isaiah (Isa. 4:21). No longer would anyone stand between us and God. Jesus would unite the people of God under his authority and his kingship. He is the ultimate ruler and the only one who rules with perfect justice.

Our perfect Savior’s baptism was the dawning of the age of a forever kingdom here on earth. Here are three ways that we see Jesus’ humility.

  • He waited for God’s timing. Jesus patiently waited until he was 30 or so to be baptized. Significantly, this is also the age where priests were anointed. Jesus’ baptism was a public announcement that the Messiah had arrived and the kingdom of God was now on earth. The thin line between heaven and earth disappeared as Jesus slipped into the waters of the Jordan River to be baptized by John.

  • He identified with our sin. John baptized with water as a symbolic way of repenting and washing away our sins. (Matt 3:11) Since Jesus had lived a sinless life, His baptism was not an act of repentance but showed how he took on our sins – like he later bore them on the cross.

  • He was equipped by the Holy Spirit. As he came up from the water, the Holy Spirit descended from heaven to anoint Jesus to commission him on his God-given journey. Jesus’s Father encouraged and comforted him, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased” (Mt. 3:17).

Put It Into Practice

Like Jesus, when we are baptized, the Triune Godhead in heaven is with us. We are anointed by God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. Thus, we begin our unique journey on earth as followers of Jesus, following his example.

  • Pray for God’s timing in our conversations and circumstances.

  • Ask the Holy Spirit to equip us for the challenges we are facing.

This week, I pray that we can each approach our circumstances and opportunities with humility.

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