Truly living out the First Commandment—“You shall have no other gods before me”—can feel like an overwhelming challenge. How do we practically apply this ancient command to our 21st-century lives?
Let’s explore three essential practices that can help us keep God first in our daily walk.
Reclaim Your Mind
Our minds are constantly bombarded with messages, worries, and distractions. The future whispers anxious possibilities, relationships carry weighted questions, and career paths branch endlessly before us. Yet, in this mental chaos lies an invitation to something deeper.
Begin by simply noticing your thoughts, then quietly turning them toward Scripture’s living water. When worry creeps in, practice replacing anxious thoughts with truth from Scripture. If you need more guidance, consider memorizing Psalm 27.
Prioritize God’s Presence
Imagine God’s presence as a deep well, always available to refresh and renew you—not a backup source, but your primary support. Let this be an invitation, not an obligation. Rather than finding time for God amidst your busy days, consider building your days around Him, knowing that when you do, a beautiful order and peace will follow.
Take advantage of ordinary moments—washing dishes, driving—as times to lift up simple prayers. Treat this time with God as sacred, like a cherished appointment for your soul.
Reject Modern Idols
Today’s idols don’t demand incense or sacrifices. They manifest in our endless striving for success, our devotion to comfort, our obsession with image, and our attachment to screens. The question isn’t whether we worship, but what our hearts truly revere.
Look at your time, your energy, and your concerns, and let them reveal the altars you’ve built. Then begin the sacred work of reordering your loves.
Put It Into Practice
Remember, the first commandment is all putting God above all else. And when we live this out, we get to experience a more intimate relationship with the Father.
This week, choose one routine activity (like your morning coffee or commute) and designate it as your “presence practice” – a time when you intentionally connect with God through prayer or meditation on Scripture to reflect on how you can put Him first in all areas of your life.
Alongside you on the journey!