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Paul’s Path: The Unlikely Making of a Missionary

Judas Betrays Jesus

We know Paul as the bold missionary, the theologian whose letters shape our faith, the relentless preacher who carried the gospel across the Roman Empire.

But before he was Paul, he was Saul—a man of power, privilege, and personal ambition.

Today, learn more about who Paul is and why his story is an invitation to see how God can reshape our lives.

Paul’s Path: The Unlikely Making of a Missionary

Born in Tarsus, a city known for its Greco-Roman intellectualism, Saul was a man of two worlds. He spoke Greek fluently, understood Roman law, and yet was firmly rooted in Jewish tradition.

His family was strict in their faith—Pharisees who resisted the cultural pull of Hellenism. They likely acquired Roman citizenship through service or commerce, possibly through their work in tent-making, a trade that provided durable goat-hair tents to the Roman military. This Roman status would later protect Paul and advance his mission in ways no one could have predicted.

Saul was sent to Jerusalem to study under Gamaliel, the most respected rabbi of his time. Gamaliel was known for his measured, almost cautious approach to theological debates, but Saul? He wasn’t measured. He was zealous. By his mid-20s, he was not just studying the law—he was enforcing it. He viewed the followers of Jesus as a dangerous sect that had to be stamped out.

With the backing of the high priest, Saul became a religious enforcer. House by house, he dragged believers to trial. He was there when Stephen, the first Christian martyr, was stoned—watching, approving.

Then came the Damascus road.

“I was shown mercy”

I thank Christ Jesus our Lord, who has given me strength, that he considered me trustworthy, appointing me to his service. Even though I was once a blasphemer and a persecutor and a violent man, I was shown mercy because I acted in ignorance and unbelief. The grace of our Lord was poured out on me abundantly, along with the faith and love that are in Christ Jesus. 1 Timothy 1:12-14

Put It Into Practice

Maybe you feel like your past disqualifies you, that your mistakes are too big, or that your life isn’t unfolding the way you thought it would.

Paul’s story reminds us that:

  • Jesus meets us where we are—but doesn’t leave us there. Paul was literally knocked off his path so that he could find the right one.

  • God can use our past for His purpose. Paul’s deep knowledge of the law and Roman citizenship were things God would use to spread the gospel in ways no one else could.

  • Following Jesus isn’t always easy, but it’s worth it. Paul endured hardship, yet his letters overflow with joy and hope.

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