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The Early Years

Middle Eastern Dinner

Jesus began his God-directed mission when he was about 30 years old. Three decades had passed from his birth in Bethlehem to the initiation of his ministry at his baptism in the Jordan River (which we will study in a few weeks!)

But we can piece together what these formative years were like for him, and it’s a beautiful picture of family, faith, and community. See how Jesus’ childhood can help us to trust him with our daily needs.

Relying on Scripture

The four gospel accounts don’t share much about Jesus’ childhood. This was likely an intentional choice to remain focused on the gospel message. Humans have naturally been curious about our Savior’s upbringing, and throughout the 2nd and 3rd centuries, many legends became popular. Some remain in apocryphal (extra-biblical) literature, such as the Gospel of Thomas. (You can learn more in John Piper’s 1981 sermon.)

As we seek to understand the truth about Christ, it’s essential to rely on the truths found in Scripture.

What We Do Know

After his birth in Bethlehem, Mary and Joseph took young Jesus to Egypt to flee King Herod. The family then settled in Nazareth when Jesus was around four years old.

“Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them.” (Luke 2:51, NIV)

The young couple had six more children (Mk. 6:3; Mt. 13:55-56), four boys and at least two girls. This bustling family spent their days like every other family in that community at their house in the small town of Nazareth.

When Jesus was 12, his family traveled to Jerusalem for Passover. On the return trip, he was separated from his parents, who found him in the temple. This story is important because it emphasizes Jesus’ divinity.  

“Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?”  (Luke 2:49, NIV)

When Jesus was about 12 or 13, he finished his formal religious training at the local synagogue and began his apprenticeship as a carpenter under the direction of his earthy father, Joseph. At some unstated point in time, Joseph died. This left Jesus at the head of the family since he was the oldest son. Undoubtedly, he chose to stay with his family in Nazareth until his siblings had grown and Mary was secure. He was a dutiful son.

What Can We Learn

Doesn’t this all feel relatable to you? A big family living in tight quarters, just getting by financially. Siblings and all the love and drama they bring to the table. Parents who want to raise their kids the right way, abide by God’s directives, and have a trade skill.

Here’s the bottom line: Jesus experienced every human event and emotion growing up that we did. And I love that because it means he totally gets us. Because before he lived his extraordinary life, pursuing his mission as the Son of God, he lived an ordinary life in a small town with a big family.

God understands our ordinary circumstances and wants us to trust Jesus with our daily needs.

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