You have a unique calling to serve the Lord – did you know that? God has prepared your circumstances and talents so that you can have an impact for the Kingdom. But you are responsible for stepping into that calling.
John, the Baptist’s ministry only lasted two years but left an enduring example of how we can live with boldness and humility as we focus on having an eternal impact.
How God Prepared John
John’s unique purpose was to be the forerunner for Jesus, and God prepared John for this task.
“There was a man sent from God whose name was John.” (Jn 1:6 NIV)
His birth was a divine miracle. John’s parents, Elizabeth and Zechariah, were devout in their faith but remained childless. Their prayers for a child were answered when an angel announced his conception. (Luke 1:13-15)
His childhood prepared his faith. Growing up, John likely studied Scripture alongside his parents. John 1:8 says he “became strong in spirit” during this formative period.
His faith informed his lifestyle. He lived alone in the Judean desert and dressed in camel hides drawn together with a belt. He ate food he could gather in the wilderness, including locusts and wild honey (Mt. 3:4). I wonder how being set apart from the world allowed him to focus on his mission.
About John’s Ministry
John began his public ministry about a year before Jesus. John preached with authority, calling people to repent of their sins and be baptized in the Jordan River.
He was uniquely called. John was more than a prophet because he was the only prophet who also fulfilled a prophecy. The prophet Malachi foretold of a messenger who would come before the Lord and prepare the way (Mal. 3:1).
He was bold. He was unafraid of the authorities and shouted at them for thinking they were immune from God’s coming wrath (Mt. 3:7-9).
He preached the Word. People flocked to the river to hear John speak, because he was a prophet, sent from God. No one alive at the time had ever witnessed a prophet.
He submitted to Christ. When it came time for Jesus to begin his public ministry, he went to John to be baptized to fulfill God’s righteousness (Mt. 3:13-17). John understood that his place was to prepare the way for Christ and then step aside so that more would find eternal hope in Jesus.
Put It Into Practice
“He must become greater; I must become less” (Luke 3:30 NIV)
Jesus said there was no greater man born of a woman than John (Mt. 11:11). No greater man. That is an astonishing statement. Here are two lessons we can learn:
Be bold in sharing your faith.
We must decrease so that Christ can increase.
I am in awe of John’s dedication to his calling and praying for you as you follow his example this week.