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The Significance of Israel

Middle Eastern Dinner

Israel is the place where God chose to send his son Jesus to save humankind from sin. Aside from some brief stays in Samaria and Egypt, nearly everything that happened to Jesus while on earth happened in this holy place.

This week, let us ponder the significance of God’s faithfulness, the majesty of His sovereignty, and the mercy that flows unceasingly from His throne. And as we study this holy land, may our hearts be stirred to a deeper reverence and awe for the One who holds all things in His hands.

Perfect humility.

In Bethlehem, a small town in Judea, the Savior of humanity entered our world in the humblest of circumstances. This simple beginning conveys a powerful message that the King of Kings left heaven to rescue us from our sins.

Faithful redeemer.

God entered into a sacred covenant with Abraham, a Hebrew man, to establish a people group in the land of Israel (Gen. 12:1-3). From Abraham, an entire nation of people emerged and established Israel as a holy nation dedicated to following the laws established by God. Jesus is a descendant of one of the kings of the United Israelite Monarchy, King David. Jesus’ birth in Israel underscores God’s faithfulness to His promise to redeem all creation.

Fully divine & fully man.

Israel is a tangible testament to the reality of Jesus’ life, ministry, and resurrection. Visiting the places where Jesus walked, taught, and performed miracles can breathe new life into our faith, allowing us to experience the Gospel narratives in a profoundly personal way. Whether standing in the Garden of Gethsemane or gazing upon the shores of the Sea of Galilee, each step in Israel reminds us that Jesus is fully divine and fully man.

Sovereign and just.

Israel’s history is a testament to God’s sovereignty and providential care over His people. From the rise and fall of empires to the smallest details of individual lives, God’s hand can be seen guiding and directing the course of events according to His divine purposes. Even in times of exile and persecution, God’s sovereign plan remained intact, working all things together for the good of those who love Him. Studying Israel’s history reminds us that God is in control, even when circumstances seem chaotic or uncertain.

Put it into practice.

You are a pilgrim on a quest to know more about Jesus. Pilgrims travel to a holy place to draw closer to the divine. I pray that you can spend some time this week reflecting on how studying Israel’s history can deepen your understanding of God’s character and His relationship with His people throughout the ages.

Consider how the story of Israel reveals God’s faithfulness, humility, sovereignty, and mercy. Which of these attributes of God do you need to cling to this week?

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