Understanding the life of Judas Iscariot, Jesus’s infamous betrayer, should be both convicting and hopeful as we prepare our hearts for Easter. His actions serve as a solemn warning about the consequences of following the ways of the world, but they also highlight Jesus’ incredible grace.
“Jesus answered,”It is the one to whom I will give this piece of bread when I have dipped it in the dish.” Then, dipping the piece of bread, he gave it to Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot. As soon as Judas took the bread, Satan entered into him. So Jesus told him, “What you are about to do.” (John 13:26-30)
Three Lessons to Learn From the Life of Judas
1. Prioritize Internal Transformation > Outward Religious Acts.
Judas walked alongside Jesus and the other disciples. While Scripture doesn’t recount specifically Judas’s calling, we know that he left behind his former life and was given significant spiritual gifts (Luke 9:1-2).
Somewhere along the way, Judas’ inward transformation didn’t match his outward religious acts. This should be a stark reminder to focus on our spiritual growth.
2. Greed Rots Our Hearts.
Judas carried the moneybag, and as Satan tempted him like he does each of us, he gave into his greed. I wonder if Judas started by taking small amounts, thinking, ” It’s not that bad” or “This is the last time.”
Over time, he became a liar and a thief, repeatedly helping himself to the money that was donated to Jesus and theTwelve (Jn 12:6-7). This is no coincidence, as Jesus warned us that we cannot serve both God and money (Matthew 6:24).
3. Learn to Accept Help.
Jesus knew about Judas. He knew what he would do, but because he loved Judas, he tried to save him up to the last moment. At the Last Supper, Jesus handed Judas a piece of bread. Bread is the symbol thatJesus used to represent life (6:35). This last gesture by Jesus was an effort to restore Judas.
Sadly, Judas ignored the gesture, choosing Satan, darkness, and, ultimately, death over life. For us, help from the Lord may come in the form of counselors, friends, or new opportunities. How can we learn to accept these gracious gifts from God?
Put It Into Practice
The story of Judas should remind us that Jesus provides second chances, but it’s up to us to accept them.
Jesus knows everything about us as he knows everything about Judas. He allowed Judas into his inner circle, knowing he would betray him. Jesus tried to save Judas from Satan, but the man made his choice.
Spend time thanking God for His incredible gift of grace and pray for His guidance over your life this week.