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Weary and Burdened

Middle Eastern Dinner

Sometimes, my head hits the pillow, and I wonder what I’ve accomplished that day. Are my endless tasks adding up to anything important? Will I leave a Godly legacy behind?

But my inner Bible-nerd reminds me that God works through the least of these, and watching Jesus redeem this ancient Hebrew people (עם הארץ) breaths life into my soul.

Meet the Ordinary People | Hebrew: Am ha’aretz.  עם הארץ

This Hebrew word describes the “people of the land.” Throughout the Old Testament, especially throughout the books of Ezra and Nehemiah, we find this word used. These ordinary folks barely eked out a living, working on the land.

They had no power, no ability to change the rules and policies that impacted their daily lives. The Am ha’retz lived a life of servitude, subordinated in every way to the elite who flaunted their wealth and power.

Jesus gives purpose to ordinary lives.

During his time on earth, Jesus not only spent considerable time with the Am ha’aretz, they were instrumental in his ministry!

  • Peter and John were uneducated but gifted by the Holy Spirit. (Acts 4:13)
  • Martha, a woman, was the first to proclaim Jesus as Messiah (John 11:27)
  • God called modest, unaffluent people to build his church (1 Corinthians 1:26-29)

Jesus offers to bear our burdens, no matter how mundane.

Jesus understands our needs, both individually and collectively. He offers something the ancient people could not get from the ruling class and that we cannot get from our rulers and politicians.

Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light. (Matthew 11:28–30, NIV)

He offers rest, peace, and security. While our burdens don’t vanish, we have a fundamental well-being because our faith is in him and his kingdom. Not the world and its kingdoms.

Put it into practice.

Find meaning in your daily tasks. Review your to-do list with renewed vigor. How might God be working through your life?

Surrender your burdens to Christ. Jesus is gentle and humble. He assures us that through him, we can find rest in a weary world. He does not burden us as the world does. Instead, he brings us under his authority, which is light and easy.

Live boldly for the kingdom of God this week!

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